The WFPI is collaborating with Médecins sans Frontières/Doctors without Borders (MSF) to provide pediatric imaging telereporters to support MSF’s global telemedicine network, using platforms and technology already set up in project sites. See this MSF video explaining how the system works, "bringing some of the best medicine to some of the worst off patients in the world".
A rising number of WFPI volunteers are enlisted on the Collegium Telemedicus platform to tele-read for MSF, including Drs. Savvas Andronikou, Michelle Fink, Karen Checuti, Keiran McHugh and Anne Geoffray. Our TB "hotline" group is about to join the team as MSF tele-reading expands. The flow of pediatric cases originating from all over the world has now reached the hundreds with subsequent exchange occurring on some. The platform works well, though the quality of images referred is highly variable.
See WFPI's mini-symposium, "Outreach in the Developing World" and our list of telemedicine literature here for articles on MSF's tele-radiological history and quality assurance/lessons learnt.
Discussions are underway with MSF's diagnostic imaging network for expanding WFPI's support. Our strong tuberculosis focus dovetails with MSF's TB drive: see here for MSF's TB overview, associated literature and films.

Another priority topic shared by MSF and WFPI: point of care ultrasound in lower resource settings. With field use on the rise in MSF, pediatricultrasound experts have joined under the auspices of WFPI to co-author MSF's new pediatric ultrasound manual (internal use only for now)
© Raghu Venugopal/MSF