POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19. The World Federation of Paediatric Imaging (WFPI) is an international organisation that provides a platform for pediatric radiology organisations united to address the challenges in global pediatric imaging training and service delivery.
An important part of the mission is Outreach and Training in lower resource settings. In fulfillment of this mission, WFPI offers a three-month sponsored training observership to be spent Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa in under the direction of Professor Tracy Kilborn. Red Cross Hospital is a tertiary/ quaternary teaching hospital affiliated to the University of Cape Town and is a major provincial and national referral center for neurosurgery, oncology and surgery. The department has 4 full time pediatric radiologists all of whom are actively involved in teaching and research. Financial support is $3,000 US to cover transport and living expenses. The 2020 program begins September 1st and extends to November 30th.
The program aims to enhance the clinical practice and teaching of paediatric radiology at all levels of healthcare more broadly in Africa, by developing expertise in imaging techniques and familiarity with protocols appropriate to the continent’s burden of childhood disease. The program is designed to complement and expand basic specialist training in diagnostic radiology. The outcome will be detailed knowledge and in-depth experience of paediatric imaging in the context of Africa’s unique disease burden. The knowledge and skills acquired will empower a radiologist to conduct optimal paediatric imaging in either a general radiology service or a dedicated paediatric service.
During the 3 months of observership, the staff radiologists will be orienting, tutoring and guiding the observer in the various aspect of paediatric imaging i.e:
- Indications for and how to perform fluoroscopic procedures
- Ultrasound of the pediatric patient from head to toe.
- Approach to plain film reporting.
- CT - Protocols, dose, approach to the pediatric patient.
- MRI - Protocols, fast imaging, sedation.
- Multidisciplinary Team Meetings - Trauma, Neurology/ Neurosurgery, Oncology, Renal/Urology, Surgery, Pulmonology/ Cardio thoracic weekly and Orthopedics, Vascular malformations monthly.
- Twice-monthly Departmental Academic Program lecture series.
- The observer must be committed to the program for the entire period.
Criteria/ Eligibility:
- Must be c
urrently in a senior resident position sub specialising/ interested in pediatric radiology or
- Must have completed radiology training not more than 2-5 years and focusing his/ her practice in pediatric radiology
- Evidence of publications in pediatric radiology related topics is an advantage
- Must be fluent in both written and spoken English
- Applicant should be in a position to subsidize the fellowship grant if necessary
- The applicant should submit a report through the host mentor before leaving on the experience gained and how this will improve pediatric radiology practice in the home country.
Application deadline is July 6, 2020.